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An AI-generated photo of two women sitting on a bus. The photo is in grayscale.
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Panel Discussion: Existence Beyond Code—AI and Us

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes customary with modern technology, how do we adapt and utilize it? Artists and historians gather to discuss the ways they have integrated technology into their creative and professional pursuits. The panel welcomes Kevin Johnson Jr., artist; Jason Harris, founder of the BlkRobot Project; and Angela Carroll, art historian and consultant. The panel is moderated by Devlon Waddell, curator of Existence Beyond Code and executive director of The Chicory Project.

This program will be live-streamed for remote audiences. Registration is required to receive the Zoom live stream link.

Image: Image courtesy of Kevin Johnson Jr. Part of the work Existence Beyond Code, an installation by Kevin Johnson Jr.


A triptych painting featuring various symbols of Baltimore city


Tom Miller Day—Free Admission Day and Drop-in Art Activity