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Joshua Jessop dye recipe book, volume 2


The second of two volumes kept by Joshua Jessop (1806-1869) containing recipes for dyes, including samples of dyed cloth and yarns, along with his own notes. The volume also contains information on the carding of wool and a glossary of Edward Bancroft's book Experimental Researches Concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colors. Jessop lived in Baltimore County, Maryland, where he owned and operated a dye works and was likely also involved in the manufacture of woolen cloth.


circa 1827

Production Note

Pages 1-13 appear at the beginning of the volume and are numbered left to right, while pages 14-24 appear at the rear of the volume and are numbered right to left.


Collection Number

MS 2494


13 pages (from one bound volume)

Resource ID


Digital Publisher

Digital resource provided by the Maryland Center for History and Culture


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