Mining the Museum: Model of Baltimore Clipper, reward broadside, and watercolor painting
The image depicts works on display in "Mining the Museum," a 1992-1993 installation by artist Fred Wilson at the Maryland Historical Society. In Mining the Museum, Wilson used the museum's collections to confront and challenge perceptions about history, culture, and race. It was a joint exhibition with The Contemporary in Baltimore. The items on display in this image include a model of a Baltimore Clipper ship (rigged as a brig) of the type converted to slavers after the War of 1812, made by Henry Pratt Jones, circa 1942; a broadside for a fugitive slave; and a watercolor sketch entitled "View of Welch Point and the mouth of Backcreek" by Benjamin H. Latrobe (1764-1820), 1806, that has been labeled "Jack Alexander in a canoe."