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The Enoch Pratt House

By: Anna-Maria Hand

The first couple of weeks of this project have come to a close, and to say we’ve uncovered some amazing things would be an understatement. However, this first post is going to be dedicated to the very historic Enoch Pratt House. The building, which is directly next to and connected to the Maryland Historical Society building, was started in 1844 by Enoch Pratt and was purchased by MdHS in 1919. Currently, it is housing their entire costume collection. While the building is seriously magnificent it is also in dire need of renovations, which doesn’t particularly make for the best storage space. Our project goal is to get all of these wonderful costumes out of the Pratt house, breathe some life into them, and store them in a more climate/light friendly environment.

Each Friday we will be posting our project progress, and all of our fantastic finds. For now, enjoy some pictures of the Pratt House.

The staircase on the second floor. The staircase on the second floor.

One of the rooms where costume is stored. The ceiling has some damage, and fragments are falling onto the floor. One of the rooms where costume is stored. The ceiling has some damage, and fragments are falling onto the floor.

A collection of wedding dresses piled high in boxes. An assortment of wedding dresses piled high in boxes.

A cabinet filled with spools of thread, ribbons, and gloves. A cabinet filled with spools of thread, ribbons, and gloves.

A box of uncovered fans. A box of uncovered fans.

A lovely floor-length mirror, and me! (Anna-Maria) A lovely floor-length mirror, and me! (Anna-Maria)

A spectacular chandelier in one of the storage rooms. A spectacular chandelier in one of the storage rooms.



























If you're interested in finding out more about the Pratt House, check out the websites below.

MdHS Pratt House Press Release

Baltimore Heritage