Business Unusual on the Playground
The following “Business Unusual” account is part of our new initiative, Collecting in Quarantine. With current mandates for all non-essential businesses to close, business is anything but usual in Maryland. In the Business Unusual series, MdHS is asking business employees, owners, customers, passers-by and neighborhood residents to visually share their experiences during the COVID-19 crisis.
Monday, April 27, 2020 – On this day, Christine M. Layton from Baltimore shared the photo below:
On May 6, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Karen Salmon announced that all public schools will remained closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. While online and distance learning will continue, school playgrounds, like the one pictured below, will stand empty for the foreseeable future.
Please note: The views, information, and opinions expressed and shared on the underbelly through the Collecting in Quarantine project do not necessarily represent those of the Maryland Historical Society. Our staff does not verify for accuracy the information contained within these submissions. We also do not edit the content beyond minor modifications for formatting or to remove personally identifying information, if applicable. The primary purpose of this series, with the permission of contributors, is to share and collect the experiences of Marylanders living through quarantine at this moment in time.
To learn more about the Collecting in Quarantine project and how to share a story and/or photos of your own, click here.