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Baltimore Read Aloud at MCHC—Story Time with Dr. Melissa Boyd

Escape the summer heat and enjoy the monthly Wednesday visit from Baltimore Read Aloud at MCHC, along with a highlighted children’s book author, a hands-on activity, and refreshments. Guest author Dr. Melissa Boyd reads B is for Breathe and Kindness is Cool, sharing literature from her Skills for Kids series. Skills for Kids teaches impactful lessons such as learning about feelings, emotion regulation, self-esteem, friendship and kindness.

This program is suitable for families and children 3–6 years of age. This program is free to register and attend.


The image shows a bronze equestrian statue of General Lafayette mounted on a rearing horse, situated on a stone pedestal. To the left of the statue is the Washington Monument in Baltimore. In the background, part of a church with a tall spire is visible under a blue sky with some clouds. The angle of the photograph appears to be looking up from ground level.


Lafayette Bicentennial Baltimore Celebration