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Baltimore Read Aloud at MCHC—Story Time with Lofty Stories

Escape the summer heat and enjoy the monthly Wednesday visit from Baltimore Read Aloud at MCHC, a hands-on activity, refreshments, and face painting by Charming Faces Face Painting. Guest author Jamila Romero of Lofty Stories reads A to Z Children Affirmations, A to Z Black Girl Affirmations, and A to Z Black Boy Affirmations. Learn the alphabet, extend vocabulary through affirming adjectives, and promote dialogue and self-reflection through interactive questions in Lofty Stories’ A to Z Affirmations series.

Enjoy a special discount on select books in our Museum Store. This program is suitable for families and children 3–6 years of age. This program is free to register and attend.



Wye Oak Lecture Series—Finding Black Identity in Early American Art