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Ernest family portrait


Portrait of John Fagan Ernest with his wife, Eliner Reynolds Ernest, and their child, John Reynolds Ernest, standing in front of their house in Sassafrass, Maryland. The child is holding hands with the family's nurse Hozana Cristy. Bell Jane Cristy, the family's cook, stands by the back fence on the left, slightly blurred.

Verso transcription: This is the home of John F. Ernest / Head of Sassafras, Kent Co. Maryland / Taken about 1892 / My father John F. Ernest / Mother, Elmer Reynolds Ernest / Myself, John Reynolds Ernest / With nurse Hozana Cristy / The colored woman by the fence is Bell Jane Cristy / John R. Ernest

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circa 1892



8 x 10 inches

Object ID



1 print

Resource ID


Digital Publisher

Digital resource provided by the Maryland Center for History and Culture


The Maryland Center for History and Culture believes this work to be in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States and it therefore may be used, reproduced and distributed without permission. As MCHC is responsible for the digitized version of this work, MCHC requests attribution for material obtained from this website, citing our name and the resource ID.

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