Four barrel, .22-caliber Pepperbox pistol with fancy grips and serial number 14090. It is engraved "C. Sharps & Co. / Philadelphia, PA."
circa 1867-1874
Four barrel, .22-caliber Pepperbox pistol with fancy grips and serial number 14090. It is engraved "C. Sharps & Co. / Philadelphia, PA."
circa 1867-1874
Wood, metal, brass
5 H x 3 W inches
Sharps began producing this patented model in a number of calibers beginning in 1855. From 1862-1867, the company operated under the partnered name "Sharps and Hankins," returning to the original "C. Sharps & Co." until Sharps' death in 1874. This and other handguns from this donation were owned by members of the donor's mother. This could have been her grandfather Charles Page Craig II (1840-1903) or great grandfather Charles Page Craig I (1813-1876), both of Cambridge, Dorchester County, Maryland.
Gift of Mrs. Ellen Dennis Riparbelli
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