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Gifts of Stocks or Securities

Instructions for Making Gifts of Stock

Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to claim a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date the gift is made. You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation and Maryland Center for History and Culture receives the full value of the gift.

Donors may make a gift of stock by advising their financial representative to contact the firm below with the instructions for the transfer.

Please notify Brian Vitrano at Brown Advisory
[email protected]
T: (410) 537-5494

Account Name: Maryland Center for History and Culture
Fidelity Account Number: 668-174367
Fidelity/NFS DTC#: 0226

Please advise the Maryland Center for History and Culture of an intended gift of stock prior to the transfer so that the Advancement Department is aware of the transaction and can acknowledge the appropriate donor.

Contact Debra Orlove, Major Gifts Office, at [email protected] or 410-685-3750, ext. 332, for gift plans or questions.

Donors making stock gifts receive a tax deduction based on the mean value on the date of transfer to the MCHC.